Choosing the right camera (Ladies only)
Welcome back again peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Hawau youuuuuuuu? Fine?? Gooodddd!!
First of all i would like say that my enggelish no good. But I olways trying my bestest to implove my Enggelish. So I hope you people can have my forgive you bekos I write bad english. Eventho my Englis no good, but I no stupid ok. After all, it is not good to make fun of people with poor enggelishh.
Ok.. Today I want to blog about camera. Nowadays aaa, suddently aa, everyone is a photographer.Probly bekos camera is so cheap-cheap nowadays, any tom, dick and harry can buy.As u all know oleady, one of my favourite past times is doing fotoglaphy. To enter this activity, u need a camela laaa ofkoss. There are few types of camela. They got the SLR camera, kompek camera, and then there is the henpon camera.
Now of kos, SLR camera is the bestest. Lots and lots of functions and summore u can change the lenses. Furthermore aa, SLR camera got lots of megapixcel. So your picture can be better compare to others camera. But one thing turn off with SLR is bekos the size is big-big. So hassle to bring everywhere ; not very mobile.Then there is the kompek camera. Usually very slim-slim one. Bear in mind that compact camela cannot match the quality of SLR camesras.. But, can be consider boolleeellaaa.. bekos very easy to use and small also, lots of people like it.
Another kind of camela is the camera-hanfon. This one can also laa.. If u just want to poyo-poyo snap picture of yourself and post in your blog for your fans to see, then this is minimum laa..
Now i sure there many more types of camera out there in the mall, but I lazy to blog about it. What I want to blog now is how do you know which type of camera is good for you.
This tips is only for the ladies, so here goes...
If u are hot babe...
it doesnt matter which camera u choose will always look good. You budget is your only constraint. But u dont have to buy expensive and full of functions camera bekos no point oso; most hot babes dont know how to operate the complicated camera anyway. Manuals are useless too. So stick to a simple compact camera where u just need to point and shoot.
If u are a not-so hot babe...
In other words, u not pretty...Do u still remember what i teach you last time?
"There are no ugly women, only poor women.."
Correcto! U need to get an expensive and camela fully loaded with functions bekos then your picture will look nicer. Conpensation maaa! Make sure oso before u snap your pictues, you make up your face (jangan sampai nampak macam mekap runtuh pulak!), wear expensive or sexy dress and branded2 stuffs lorr.. So can balance..
But aar, if u have many gorjes friends, then u can buy this type of camela oso. Make sure u snap lots and lots of your photos with your friends. Dont conquer sorang2 lorr.. If possible exclude yourself from the pictures. That way better so you wont spoil the pictures.
If u ugly babe...
You should consider getting a disposable camera (also known as "kamera pakai buang" in BM). This is bekos after u snap your picture, u can throw away the camera and the picture oso, bekos no point maa. You ugly woo.. u paste 2 full album of pictures in your blog oso people dowan to look or give komen. Dont make us puke ok..
But alternatively, another trick for you is to use cheap-cheap henfon camera. This is bekos when u snap your picture, must be blur-blur since cameraphone not soo good quality. So people kenot see your ugly picture properly. In fact, if you lucky your picture might turn out looking great. But u must test2 lots of picture from different angle lor..
Wheather u not hot babe or ugly babe aa, it is best if u edit your photos before you post to you blog. At least confuse your readers so they think you pretty when u are actually not.
This is the basically your last hope:
The software is very the powderfool. You can do lots of things with your pictures using this software. If u fat, u can make yourself slimmer. If u short, u can make yourself taller. Gigi jongang (i dunno what is "gigi jongang" in Enggelish..sorry!) oso u can repair with this software. You can even change your skin color tone if u know how.
Very cool software maahh!!! Summore aa, if u go to Imbi Plaza or Low Yatt, this software is soo cheap cheap only selling. I sure this software has help many girls out there look beautiful in their blogs.
There ladies and girls..
Now go buy or borrow a camera and snap lots of piccies!
But please dun tampal a gambar-ukuran-passpot. Major turn off laa girls. Be more "creative". I sure u can do better than that.
I sincerely hope my tips can help you ladies out there to buy the proper camera, have great fotos of yourself, and more visitors to your blog with lots of positive komens (What are blogs without comments ya?)
So that is it from me for this entry.. I lazy oready to blog long-long. Mebbe if got free time later2 I blog again lor..
Sekians, dankyuuuu!!!
alah...kalau setakat nak ambik gambar compek sudah la...slr...akan menampakkan lubang pori2 pori2 yg besar...takpun tompokan2 bintang2....
my advice....stick to landscape...
no wonder la lu ambik gambar budak ja kan....muke flawless lagi maa
Ape la ada contradiction. "There are no ugly women, only poor women.." pastu tiba tiba "If u ugly babe". Apa kes??
But I like the art of menangkap gambar. Hehe best!! <--I like his pictures weyy. Hehe promot jap. =P
eh, kalau macam gadis ayu macam ni nak guna kamera ape ye?
meowthh WAB,
erksss...saya sebagai pengguna tegar photoshop cs tidak pernah menggunakan perisian tersebut sbg alat mencantikkan gambo sendirik.
asik cantikkan gambo org lain adelerrr..WAB nanti i will tacap ur misai and bulu okeh? make u look more fury fury cat(and keji)... he he he!!
yg slr adalah terlalu rumit untuk digunakan oleh babes-babes.. sila gunakan camela kompek atau henpon yg lebih user frenly dan mobile..ngeh ngeh :B
ai miss me tooooo...
lu kene memahami kontext maknan itu ayat..dun take it literally maah..hehe :)
hoih...sungguh ngeri itu gambar..wa muntah!
hi epal..i like apple...are u red apple or green apple?
kamera slr susah mau ambik gambar sendiri maaa..biasanya..bagi hot hunks juga ambikkan.jikalau tidak..muke tadak senyum lebar..tadak nampak manis...
lain la compact..or hendphone..pegang jarak satu tangan..pandang cermin..snap..tak cantik..delete..
wehh lu tolking about who's henpon?..mine or yours aaa?
aku tak moh cakap pasal camera. sebab aku ni ugly babe. so tak termasuk dlm mana kategori yang ko mentioned.
aku nak cakap pasal enngerish ko.
one word.. i mean.. satu perkataan jer.
dankyu my goodie2 two shoes prennnnnn
wa mau tanya soklan seriyus neh. itu compact camera, lama2 dia punya quality picture yang dia amik, buleh merosot ek? dolu2 wa amik picture tadak macam sekarang laa. sekarang kalau gerak2 picture wa jadik blur2. dolu2 manyak sharp. lagi, kalau wa amik gambo di malam hari, wa kena be very still waktu dia mau process itu gambo. lama plak tuh. terusnya sumer jadik blur *sigh* wa manyak kechewa la ini macam. perlukah wa beli camera baru?
p/s: camera wa sudah hampir berusia 2 tahun juga, berjenis cybershot. tq
hanfon lu apa jenis? chekai ka mahal punya henfon eh? :?
Lu apa kes mau tangkap kucing telanjang nye gambar? Lu punya nafsu aa, sulah manyiak pelik tau sekalang..
Ya lor..I told u oready Enggelish no good. Why u make fun of me?? :((
Uhh.. Itu kompek camera kemungkinan CCD sensor dia sulah mau kong. Ataupun shutter speed dia sudah jadi slow talak mantap lagi. Itu pasal gambar blur-blur. Kemungkinan juga lense problem adalah kelana kulang mendapat cahaya yg cukup. Jikalau lu masih mau menggunakan, pastikan cahaya adalah lebih dali mencukupi. Anyway, beli baru je lar..hehe :>
err .. aku buleh komen ke? aku bukan pompuan .. argh, tak pe .. aku nak komen gaks.
ada tak kamera yg kalau u amik gambar gajah, dia buleh automatically convert jadi gambar kucing siam .. ada ka?
satu lagi, apsal tak de built in kamera berperisian (mak aih bhs melayu aku .. hambik ko!) adobe di pasaran? kalau ada mesti best kamera tuh, gegar ker .. kurang cahaya ker .. amik gambo kucing kurap mana pun end product dia sgt power nak mampus.
kan? ke tak?
*relevan ke komen aku nih??*
haha lu molest kucing kaa kawan? talak elok woo...itu pebuatan kejii.. :>
1) Ada..ada..itu camerla brand "Hotak Ko" made in Japan mahh.
2)Built in camela ada perisian itu boleh dibikin..Tetapi adalah sangat mahal harganya.. Mungkin tiada pasaran. Sebab itu meleka talak bikin :D
tapi, kalau u sulah tidak berapa cantik .. tangkap gambo, tapi salahkan angel kamela yg salah .. photographer salah lagi buduh tuli .. salahkan make up.
apa yg sepatutnya kita buat utk olang sebegini? kita "kick" sama lia? atau .. err .. atau .. kita suluh dia minum air sireh?
Lu orang semua tau ka Ah Beng pergi mana? Lama baru satu post keluar. Dia bukan pergi tengok-tengok kamera.
Lu orang tengok la wa punya site
ceh... busuk punya kucing... merapuman pakai camera apa eh?
up to phone sucks..ur phone sucks lorrr....
tarak hal maaa
talak elok buat itu maciam.. kita hanya boleh senyum jadikan hiburan mahh :)
wallau weh.. Lu stalking gua mehh??
Yaa.semasa lu cium wa belom mandi lagi..itu pasal busuk sedikit. Next time wa mandi dulu b4 ok? :@
Hehh.. I think u sucker than my henfon..heheh :D
yes u little cat. i'm a cat stalker! muahahahaha ...muahahaha ..
[toughcookie] I guna Sony je. tapi bukan itu high end version. kapcai version only.
tapi kan ahbeng..macam mana plak shutter speed dia bleh tetiba jadik slow? shutter pon bleh pancit ker? *erkk*
Sony apa model? Alpha?
Kemungkinan boleh wor..Sulah lama maaahh.. Beli baru saje lorr.. heheh
wa pakai webcam.
p/s: sila lihat gambar profile wa yg menarik itu
oraittt ah ahbeng. nanti mega sale march 2007 wa tangkap satu, latest punya, untuk wa aim gambar wa punya jantung hati kat sepang, huhuhu
aku nak baca pun malas. sebab inggerish ko macam sampah. dan takde 'interesting' words.
buang! buang!
buat semula!!
gigi jongang in enggerish is ronaldinho. that oso u dunno ah? ;)
webcam adalah lebih kejiiiiiiiiiiii...haha. Tetapi kelebihan boleh menonton live show :D
Sekalang merdeka sales pun adaaa..angkat aja...jangan pikir manyiak2..hehe :)
i know u jeles of me and my sexy blog...huh >:
Hoih..! Talak elok mengeji olang adalah perbuatan kulang ajar. Lu kene belajar pendidikan moral :>
*tumpang lalu*
BTB...Apa lipas bogel? Nak tengok nak tengok!!! Cop..cop..Ada ke? Kalau dak pun ada tak lipas separuh bogel? Ni yang bukan di-photoshop-kan tau!!! :P
Ahbeng....Apa ni? Pasal camera pulak kau blog??? Kenapa? Kau takde idea yang bernas nak letak ke? Memang tak interesting weh. Aku agree dgn anisism terrorisism.
i used only SLR.
and that makes me?
[WAB] Wa guna itu DSC series la. Very basic punya.
[A Babe Of Very Little Brain]Lu ada kawan yang nama dia 'babe with no brain' tak ? 'with little brain' kenot la, better with no brain. Boleh la wa jadikan model.
i sucker?....good thing wotttttttt
aku tak suka sebab ko tak berbahasa kebangsaan ok. ko takut berbahasa kebangsaan ke? takut skema?
u and ur astro bebeh.
alaa..sekali sekala bikin entry yang sopan maahhh :D
lu adalah the babe.. So talak kisah apa camela lu pakai pun lu tetap da bomb ok ;>
DSC T1 ?
Oii lucah ek? Tolong jangan lucah di halaman blog wa talak suka :(
Yaa wa tau wa punya bm adalah talak bagus..Sorry for the inconvenience boleh? :D
HahAHa..otek2 tuh apa? macam lucah jer.. :?
[WAB] bukan T1 la, wa pakai DSCS600 aje. itu kapcai version. Nanti sudah terror baru la angkat yang slim2 tu.
Tu la, wa sudah cakap, buat blog pasal misai kucing lu tak mau. lu tengok berapa ramai orang komplen.
Macam ni wa boleh jadi blogging 'con'sultan.
wa mau tunggu tahun depan la ahbeng. penasihat wa suruh tunggu dengan alasan "nak pakai baru beli" coz nanti keluar model lagik canggih. pada pandangan lu, cap apa paling bagus sekali untuk compact camera? cybershot? olympus? lain-lain?
Misai wa talak menalik untuk diblog lah.. Lu blog consultant boleh kasik idea lain yg lebih bernas? :>
Kompek kamela, wa tiada master lagi woo..Kelana seumor hilup wa talak penah beli kompek camela... Anyway, sila visit situ ada reviews segala jenis henfon.. :)
[WAB] u buat poll la, tengok lu punya audience mau tengok apa.
saper nak dengar pasal 'misai kucing' angkat tangan
oooppppssss sollliii aaa ah beng....
waa talak tau lu bertatabahasa punya olang....
bila lu mau letak gambar adeq2 manes di blog lu? ni tak, asyik2 muka lu sahaja.
niemmaa... :p
ishh isshh issshhhh....
*geleng kepala*
: )
hahahhahahaha...gua memang pakai kamera tangkap buang..takda evidence kan...hehhehe...
beng, ko dah ada kawan baru yehhhh.............woah woah woah.............bukan main.............jaga-jaga jangan masuk perangkap.............
Eh apa ni comment box kau? Pelik lah!!! Kejap ada...kejap takde macam biskut!!!
tok guru...
hamba pun nak beli camera..
tapi tk sepower kamera tok lak...
mana boleh hebat pada guru..
sungguh menalik idea polling itu..nanti wa akan bikin jua..hehe
Yaa wa adalah tatasusila pekerti mulia punya olang..Kita mesti masyarakat penyayang maah.. :)
Gamba adek manes? heheh..sila layari luangan tikus2 keji yg lepas lamai adek2 manes boleh pilih jua.. :B
apapasat geleng kepala :?
Evidence apakah? Lu tangkap gamba prono haa??? :P
Wa talak takut pelangkap kelana sini luangan tikus keji jua adalah pelangkap lu orang jua..haha :B
Lu punya internet ada pening kot. Olang lain talak komplen lu solang ajer komplen maa :??
Ko beli camera jangan lupa beli photoshop jugak dude!! :B
Cool blog : )
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