Pay Your Homage...Now Feed Me!!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Last update: Sept 19 2006, 1030am
Talian mengundi telah ditutup. New votes talak akan dilayan..
Nanti wa updates. Sekian telima kasih :)


Speech of the day.......

"I don’t see the point of giving a speech when u r only nominated, not winning THE AWARD though. However, since it’s an obligatory task, I shall proceed with my nomination speech.

Thanks to WAB for coming up with ridiculous idea on such award.
Thanks to Jalak Lenteng, my current toyboy (eventhough i sense he's seven-timing me behind my back) for nominating me.
Thanks to fellow nominees for being on top of me as always. I mean on top of the list lah. Grrrr…take that perverted mind off!
Thanks to whoever that wasted their precious time, voting for me.

N thanks for those who r reading my blog and not voting for me. I appreciate such gestures.
Yes, I can be bitchy at times. Since it’s that time of the month, I choose to be nasty.


- Freak & Geek -

Ok..Back to the show..

Format baru untuk mengundi adalah seperti berikut:

AFUNDEK {nama pelajar} {critique}
Contoh: AFUNDEK WONGAHBENG sebab blog dia kool gilaa penuh dengan idea2 lanjiao yang keji dan best!!

Talian mengundi adalah di-extend sehingga wa punya hit counter mencecah 65,000 hits ada mood nak updates..

Belikut adalah senalai pala pelajar finalist yg berjaya mendapat tempat untuk The Ahbeng Award...

Tangga kedudukan untuk hari ke-5 (Last updated: Sept 15 2006)


1. chics - (100)
"...she has rejected Ah Beng's pervy advances time and time again " - P.Crouch

2. Superdzu - (72)
"...wa silalu nampak itu bulak comel kat pasar tani woh. wa jual kucing lanjiao. dia tak penah bili wa punya sup kucing tapi... " - WongAhBengWannabe

3. skullkingdom - (54)
"...afundek skullkingdom sebab dia lanjiao! " - WongAhBengWannabe

4. angelEyes - (48)
"...dia cun (betul laaa.. aku dah jumpa dia weyyy..bangga nie hins hins hinssss) " - chi

5 LeenAshburn - (28)
"...entry dia walaupun bapak panjang tapi tetap best" - ayaqmasaq

6. anisism - (28)
"...apartment dia cool walaupun tiada astro dan belum habis cat lagi, dan dia mempunyai flair dalam mencoret kisah hidupnya. " - KA

7. wab - (25) *Editor's Pick of the Day*
"...anak perempuan saya sangat suka tengok awak. " - shoppermom

8. cikPuanMudaStress - (16)
"...seolang lakan yang tulus ikhlas, tatak bek biting onli face to face telling, beliau juga seolang ahli WAGR (wife and girlfriend of a rockstar) ... itu lok band ha manyiak lok ... ch ch ch check it out ... hi stonebay!" - wegra

9. miv - (13) *Editor's Pick Yesterday*
"...saya amat berbesar hati kerana telah dapat mengenali beliau melalui belog beliau di mana saya mendapati saudara MIV adalah seorang pria berhati mulia dengan paras rupa yang kekar lagi manis." - Babe

10. betik - (12)
"...beliau ha bawak keleta, keleta lembu oso ken potong ... lembu tehenti sebentar dan berguling gelak pun boleh sampai dulu di destination hoh! AFUNDEK BETIK engkorangs!" - wegra

11. The Royal Princess - (9)
" cool babe and if i were a lesbian, i'd be all over her already " - Babe

12. Jalak Lenteng - (8)
"...sebab jalaklenteng bdk kampung...internet pun tak pernah guna..." - JalakLenteng

13. matilda - (8)
"...saya 'respect' orang yg berani made public kisah-kisah 18sx nye. sungguh glokal... " - KA

14. KepalaAngin - (7)
"AFFUNDEK KEPALAANGIN sebab minah nih macam cool giler.. " - Mobsterman

15. Cacklers - (7)
"...the most hilarious people in this corner of the universe and i wouldnt trade their existence for anything else ever. " - kG

16. u-r-n-idiot -(5)
" tahap cipan aku pun tatau mana dia dapat idea sumpah best nak mamposh dan keobsesan dia dengan power root ali cafe memang aku kagumi..muahahaha...u-r-n-idiot rulez! " - Kak Ida

17. ayaqmasaq - (5)
"afundek diri saya sendiri sebab sukatik aku laaa. Muahahahaha. " - AyaqMasaq

18. alKunciPatah - (4)
"...kalau sendiri tak vote, sape lg nak vote. yg penting kite kena percaya kepada diri sendiri. tu la self-confidence namenye. " - CiCiKang

19. tipsy kitten - (4)
"...she so tough after daniel died. She drank tequila many shots " - LittleBitTipsyHikHik*

20. liverbirdforever - (3)
"...shes a riot she makes me want to eat carrot. " - Princesswaffzonkle

21. Merapuman - (3)
"...unigue hits site aku pun dah bertambah2 ke average 60 unique hits per day utk minggu lepas. 20% dari site kau ... thank you ... thank you." - Merapuman

22. hazril - (3)
"...memaparkan kisah-kisah hidup beliau yang dipertonjolkan dengan gaya yang sinis dan melucukan :P" - Shaheeran

23. chi depressivemonsoon - (3)
"...berani kerana benar.." - anisism

24. fade0 - (3)
"...kalau pompuan baca blog dia boleh basah.. " - Mobsterman

25. freak&geek - (3)
"...dengan hanya membaca blognya dah tau orangnya sungguh sexy. Geram... eee geram! " - booGie

26. Atrco - (2)
" bahasa dan gaya yang bersahaja sesuai untuk tatapan umum.. " - Mobsterman

27. bisutulibuta- (2)
"Beng aku kena afundek mr president..afundek bisutulibuta!!! " - UglyButAdorable

28. pak ngah - (2)
"...terima kasih abg pak ngah.. kerana mengembalikan keremajaan kulit saya...." - irarox

29. Letterman - (2)
"...because he looks good in black." - Babe

30. muddyCopperstud - (2)
"...hes a dawg. he makes me want to woof woof. " - Princesswaffzonkle

31. drebarlori - (1)
"...saya tak suka publisiti percuma, saya cuma akan carik kerja selaku eksekutif pemasaran dan tulis buka suka duka drebarlori @ cruel bila saya putus tunang nanti.." - cruel

32. Jekyll & Hyde - (1)
"...dia suka pakai kain pelikat dan blognya adalah berunsur pendidikan. " - Babe

33. Qiddas - (1)
"...Bagi la undi Qiddas satu! " - SuperMhann

34. anumevill - (0)
"...{empty}.." - pengkritik

35. ladyugly - (0)
"...{empty}.." - pengkritik

36. fairulnizam - (0)
"...{empty}.." - pengkritik

37. n82 - (0)
"...{empty}.." - pengkritik

38. rimaugirl - (0)
"...{empty}.." - pengkritik

39. fahroe - (0)
"Wei.. ape plak nama aku masuk? Cipet la lu Ah Beng.. keluarkannn keluarkan.. Aku sabo karang. kekekekekkeke" - Fahroe

40. AmirEtc - (0)
"...{empty}.." - pengkritik


Para pengundek fanatisisma sekalian..

Minggu lepas telah menyaksikan pertalungan senget antala bloggers2 untuk mendapat tempat menjadik calon pelajar the prestigious Ahbeng Award 2006. Lamai yang meng-afundek atas dasar lakan-lakan. Lamai jua mengundi kelana palas lupa fizikal. Tidak ketinggalan jua yg mengundi kelana atas dasar bakat blogger tersebut.

Paling lamai juga adalah pengundi2 anonymous yang setia mengundi idola2 meleka. Perlu wa ingatkan bahawa walaupun pala pelajar akan menjadi femes kelana masuk blog wa, namun lu olang sebagai pengundi jua boleh menjadi femes dengan menggunakan account blogger anda sendili di situ luangan undi.

Ok. Wa akan meneluskan lancangan sukaramai ini dengan bebelapa kezutan seperti berikut:

Kezutan pertama
Atas sebab2 teltentu, wa ingin merombak semula system ahbeng award. Semua kategoli akan dilupuskan.. Tiada lagi category system. Instead, wa akan memakai the ladder system, selupa itu carta minggu ini laa. Hanya calon terpilih sahaja akan mendapat tempat di ahbeng award. (Sila baca previous entry). Calon2 itu akan di susun dari atas ke bawah mengikut jumlah kutipan undi minggu lepas.

Kezutan kedua
Sepelti biasa, setiap olang boleh mengundi sesiapa sahaja sebelapa manyiak yang lu mau. Namun mesti ingat bahawa satu undi perblogger perkomen sahaja dikila sebagai undian yg sah. Undian pula hanyalah mengundi calon2 yg tersenalai sahaja. Undian berunsurkan spammers dari pengikut fanatikus akan dikira batal up to my discretion.

Kezutan ketiga
Jumlah undian pala pelajar yang beljaya dikutip sewaktu penamaan calon jua telah di-reset untuk memberikan peluang yang sama rata. Lu mesti ingat bahawa keputusan adalah di tangan anda. Nasib masa depan pelajar2 ni hanya boleh ditentukan oleh lu olang jua. Sekilanya meleka kalah, adalah kelana lu beltanggungjawab.

Kezutan keempat

Setiap pelajar yang yg berjaya memasuki senalai pelajar tersebut dikehendaki membuat satu ucapan (speech minimum 2 perenggan) di dalam itu luangan tikus keji. Ini adalah untuk memastikan bahawa pelajar itu adalah sedia maklum bahawa blog nya telah dicalonkan sebagai antala pelajar yg bakal memenangi the Ahbeng Award. Sekilanya tiada ucapan di buat sehingga ke akhir lancangan, belmakna pelajar tersebut adalah automatic batal dan akan dihantar pulang (walaupun dia mendapat vote yg tinggi). Oleh itu, silalah inform itu pelajar membuat ucapan di situ luangan tikus keji untuk memastikan dia talak terkeluar dali ini lancangan.

Ok..Penamaan pencalonan pala pelajar telah tamat. Belikut adalah senalai pala pelajar finalist yg berjaya mendapat tempat untuk The Ahbeng Award 2006:
Currently my hitcounter is 61,363. Vote starts now until my hitcounter reached 63,000 65,000 ekor tikus keji, di mana pada masa itu, talian undi akan ditutup dan pala pemenang akan diannouncekan.

Undian akan diupdate setiap hali tghmlm bila wa ada masa dan mungkin tengahari jua jikalau wa rajin. Oleh itu, afundek-memundek lah lu olang di situ luangan tikus keji...
Semoga berjaya!

p/s#1: Sebagai Pengetua, wa ingin menasihatkan lu olang supaya mengundi blogger berdasarkan bakat, dan bukan palas lupa. Hak mengundi adalah milik lu olang. Buktikan bahawa lu olang tikus2 keji mampu membezakan mana pelmata dan mana kaca.

p/s#2: Sila patuhi format untuk mengundi seperti di atas. Kali ini wa akan lebih tegas di dalam ploses pengiraan undi. Jangan salahkan wa sekilanya undian anda tidak diambil kila.

p/s#3: Sila guna wa punya chatbox untuk mengomel atau menghantar pesanan lingkas ala-ala Channel 15 @astro.



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 468   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK kepala angin for being REAL

Anonymous said...

all former TKC-ians, please show your support to me (and my fellow cackling partners!

AFUNDEK Cacklers sebab kitorang semua pandai dan bijak dan cantik dan wanita kekar gitu.

Anonymous said...

afundek superdzu sebab dia suka makan maggie

popcornelvis said...

afundek superdzu sebab dia berbudi bahasa.

assalamualaikum semua!
dah makan?

popcornelvis said...

afundek superdzu sebab dia fasih berbahasa cina.

ah beng, lu ley mo chok taifu!

popcornelvis said...

afundek superdzu sebab dia pandai matematik!

20356+2311190x4-12 = 9326172


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS b'coz she has her own style of writing.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she has been around forever in blogwerld.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDI CHICS because she has rejected Ah Beng's pervy advances time and time again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she is worth it. Read her blog and find out why.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because this sheila's blog is a beauty this one and chocabloc full of interesting reads. crikey!!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because my sis says so.

Anonymous said...

a babe of very little brain

so which batch were you from?

chics said...

ucapan ini khas ditujukan untuk abang 9 dan steve irwin crocodile dan juga untuk peminat liverpool.

Sebagai seorang blog whore, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kaseh kerana ah beng kerana mencalonkan saya ini. Aku ni memang agak gile glamer beng tapi hello, jangan ingat aku nak keluar dengan lelaki-lelaki keji ok. Semua pengote adalah tidak best okkkkkkkkkk kecuali mereka yang sayangkan binatang dan suke kepada pasukan liverpool.*emo mode off

Saya juga ingin cakap hehe kepada sape-sape yang suka nak marah sebab saya suke mengeji orang padahal saya sendiri adalah keji.


Last but not least,blogging adalah best okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Anonymous said...

Go Jalak GO Lenteng...

[V]landa said...

afundek hrh princesswaffzonkle

Leen AshBurn said...

Er Aku kena belanja 9 ini. (Capati kat Mahboob

Vortttt for meeee uols!

anis daud said...

ah beng, aku nak tarik balik afundek skullkingdom sebab dia menabur fitnah. sesuka hati dia ngan superdzu je nak cakap aku ada bopren baru.

oi skullkingdom. saya sudah berpunya yang lain ok. mau kawen sudah. sila tarik balik kenyataan anda di alam maya ini sebelum dia menular lebih jauh.

dengan ini saya menarik balik afundek skullkingdom.

bluewwwwwwwwkkkkkkkkk. takmo afundek.

anis daud said...

oh tapi beng, izinkan aku mengafundek 10 kali kat chi ok, sebab pantun dia cam lahanatt jugak. apa ntah obsesi dia ngan nenen dan tetek labuh.

oi chi. kesudahan citernye mana. kebenaran la sangat.

thesyemism said...

afundek superdzu kerana dia adalah the next siti nurhaliza

thesyemism said...

afundek superdzu kerana dia sayangkan kucing dan tak akan pijak semut.

thesyemism said...

afundek superdzu kerana dia adalah bini aku nombor 6.
aku lap dia.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK Chics Sebab dia sangatlah terrer.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS dialah yang terkemenghebatkannerrangsang

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she is a superstar. It's true!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab dia sangat comel.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sbb dialah yang paling memukau.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS yang sememangnya telah memakan kambing sekampung.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she saddles!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because I love her and she is my mistress!

Look at me on my website!!!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics kerana perutnya gebu.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics or you will be very sorry.


do bad things to you.

What bad things? Oh you don't want to know.


I don't know.

Scratch you.

Or tell my mother.

Something like that

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK Chics because she supports our website. Hooray!

Anonymous said...


kelana jaya dia atalah sweet hard aku.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics dan tak perlu tanya kenape

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS sebab dan dalil 1000.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS sebab dialah yang terunggul walaupun perut selalu sebu.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab blog nya paling ber gaya dan ber jaya.

se ratus pe ratus.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she's so cute.

True or not? Cute.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kerana antara berjuta, dia yang satu-satunya.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she is such a blog whore.

I loike

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics walaupun dia akan menang tapi harus menang dengan konfirm sekali.

Minum Milo setiap hari sihat dan kuat!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS sebab dia pernah tinggal dalam Gua Musang satu malam.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kerana chics itu bermaksud dalam bahasa Roman Gaul "comel".

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because we, on the backing of the gaffer at the Kop, fully support and commend the nomination of chics for this truly prestigious award.

As a lifetime Liverpool supporter and a true Red, we can find no better flagship for the side of Mersey that flows red.

This speech is about 40 pages long, so please email me for the full documentation.

Yours truly,
Ian Rush

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because I'm a great fan of hers. She so rocks my boat.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she's a cutie. Have you seen her smile?

Bloody Jesus...

Wong Ah Beng said...

Tarikh tutup ploses meng-afundek di extend sehingga counter wa mencecah 65,000 ekor tikus keji..

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kerana dia menujukan ucapan beliau terhadap penyokong kelab liverpool yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang itu.

You'll Never Walk Alone Chics!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kerana beliau sayangkan haiwan2, tidak kira haiwan domestik ataupun haiwan liar.

p/s: bukan saya yg makan budak kt sarawak tuh, ini semua fitnah.


Fiza said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she mentioned my name in her speech. I would also like to thank the current and ex Liverpool players for voting for her. A special thank you to Bindie and Bob, my condolences for you loss.

Eh, mcm aku plak bertanding. heh. :p

Kepada lelaki2 keji dan pengote diluar sana, kalau nak ngorat adeq aku nih, kena interview dgn abang 9 dia nih terelebih dulu..

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes sbb dia sangat baik hati

Anonymous said...

angel eyes tak buat ucapan pon?

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

afundek MIV kerana takde sapa pun teringat nak undi dia dan saya amat berbesar hati kerana telah dapat mengenali beliau melalui belog beliau di mana saya mendapati saudara MIV adalah seorang pria berhati mulia dengan paras rupa yang kekar lagi manis.

Vlad said...

AFUNDEK matilda because the vice president of Shaolin Perverted Heroes says so.

Ok alright perhaps do a Fade0 too.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK Vlad sebab dia AFUNDEK Matilda

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

AFUNDEK Leen Ashburn because she bought me java chip frappuchino yesterday.

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

afundek LEEN aSHbURN because she has promised to take me to Ms Read's Delicious for a bout of high class hi-tea this weekend.

(i am expensive).

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

Afundek The Royal Princess Wafflezonklydoomdum because she's promised to feed me waffles and give me Dave Navarro as well.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDek Matilda sebab vlad suruh

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

afundek MadnessInVain lagi sekali because he's promised to feed me mee rebus.

Murah rezeki brader ni.

* giggle gedik *

Anonymous said...

afundek superdzu sebab bulan puasa dah nak dekat.

Anonymous said...

afundek superdzu!
sebab dia adalah manusia rupanya.

Anonymous said...

afundek superdzu
afundek skullkingdom
afundek anisism
afundek betik
afundek pms
sebab dia org hebat dalam segi suara yang merdu dan pandai bersiul!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because its gotta be the furs, gotta be the shoes thats why ladies choose him, all up in the news cos he so cute (sic!) thats why he so huge, G. harajuku girls know how he feels. they respect he keeps it real. not a chinaman, cos he aint from china, man. he is KL-man...

ifzan ibrahim said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU sebab dia tak suka minum milo

Fiza said...

AFUNDEK LEEN sebab dia promise nk belanja aku capati.

Fiza said...

AFUNDEK CHICS sbb dia hampir dpt mengejar superdzu dlm carta

Fiza said...

AFUNDEK MiV b'coz he asked me to train him to become a playaz & babe magnet, like yours truly.

Fiza said...

AFUNDEK CHICS lagi b'coz she nearly burnt her whole bloody house down whilst attempting to cook megi mee.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU sebab dia sayangkan negara.

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM sebab dia sayang negara lain

Anonymous said...

afundek superdzu entah.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kelana lia telah menyatakan lia manyiak suka sama wa punya celita2. haiyah, wa manyiak malu mah, ala olang meminati wa. wa hanya bikin filem utk kemajuan industli pelfileman hong kong, dan bukan kelana uang semata-mata. wa manyiak hepi, lu suma suka wa punya celita

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kelana lia pun suka sama wa punyer acting walaupon wa hanya suka menumpang celita2 stephen. wa mmg tata malu punya olang, menumpang lezeki kawan sendili.

Anonymous said...

afundek skullkingdom sebab dia ada kingdom. kamu semua ada ke?

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes sebab ramai blogger kata dia cool

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes sebab dia sorang je yang Mata Malaikat

mana si markonah tak afundek ni

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes sebab dia Frangipani Babe yang gorjes ya-amat

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK Angel Eyes sebab Aiman tak kesah apa orang kata

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes kerana dia belum bagi tazkirah, eh ucapan

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK Angel Eyes bekos she jujur and ikhlas

+wondermilk® (m) sdn. bhd said...

afundek skullkingdom sebab dia punya blog entah apa apa entah...

Anonymous said...

afundek skullkingdom kerana dia suka makan angin

madnessinvain said...

It’s in Ah Beng wonderland superstars aplenty. Compounded by whirling universe, open your eyes, barren thy souls. Traversing, this is not an elucidation of a wandering ex x-men.

I, irrigated by flecked rainbow, thanking you for the honour so sweet.

And thank you, for the toffee votes, I eat.

ubisetela said...

saya mau AFUNDEK MIV kerana dia adalah x-men yg still jadi finalist eventho dah 2 purnama tak update blog dia yg mmg susah nak paham.

ubisetela said...

AFUNDEK FREAKnGEEK pasal birthday dia coming!! (takyah bagi bday gift, bagi vote cukup yek)

Anonymous said...


kelana dili ku amat lapa

Fiza said...

AFUNDEK MiV sebab dia kasi speech, satu haram pon aku tak paham siott.. hahahah.

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

9, takkan tak faham dia nak makan toffee?

AFUNDEK mAdnessInVain kerana dia suka makan toffee dan gigi dia penuh cavity.

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

dan AFUNDEK Leen AshBurn kerana dia .. (i'm out of reasons already).

Fiza said...

toffee itu boleh diumpakan sebagai manisan dimana beliau mengumpamakan undian2 yg diperolehi manis seperi gula2.

ataupun beliau adalah penyokong everton. ciao hai!

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

this is simply wonderful.

we seem to be getting votes (though in small numbers but since we're beautiful beggars, we really can't be choosers) from people we do not know.

to you and you and you and you and you and you, thank you so much.

last but not least, AFUNDEK CACKLERS because we love chapattis!

Anonymous said...

Afundek Muddy cos he so humble and he so fine

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK angel eyes jugak kerana she doesnt deserve all dis hostility

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CIK-PUAN-MUDA-STRESS kerana stonebay played for maliq + d'essentials (indonesia's hottest neo-soul act) opening and she didn't bother to tell anyone of us

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK ANISISM kelana she rang just to ask where can she find a party shop

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU & SKULLKINGDOM sebab diorang ajak wong ah beng serta semua bloggers datang ke kedai diorang esok pukul 8 malam, sebab diorang ada show/gig/garage sale! sila lah datang... dan undi kami!

Anonymous said...

afundek skullkingdom sebab skull dia buat dari besi.
afundek superdzu sebab dia pernah tolong kucing cross jalan.

Anonymous said...

afundek skull kingdom sebab dia ada recipe macam mana nak jadik hensem.
afundek superdzu sebab dia ada recipe macam mana nak jadik tinggi.

Anonymous said...

afundek skullkingdom sebab dia sayangkan semua pokok di taman.
afundek superdzu sebab dia ada harta karun dan sedia untuk share dgn semua org.

Anonymous said...

afundek skullkingdom sebab dia ada tahi lalat sexy.
afundek superdzu sebab dia takda tahi lalat sexy.

Anonymous said...

afundek anisism sebab saya tak nak menang.

Anonymous said...

afundek cikpms sebab dia ranggi

Anonymous said...

afundek miv sebab dia pandai atur ayat.

Anonymous said...

afundek skullkingdom sebab dia poyo.
afundek superdzu sebab dia perasan.
afundek anisism sebab dia busuk.
afundek pms sebab dia tu jantan sebenarnya.
afundek betik sebab dia suka beli kambing.
afundek miv sebab dia cakap aku tak paham.
afundek wongahben sebab dia tu melayu sebenarnya.

Anonymous said...

ah beng,
saya nak tarik balik semua undian yang saya sudah buat untuk diri saya.
saya nak passkan semua undian itu pada orang yang paling bawah sekali.


Anonymous said...

afundek chics sebab dia sporting.she can take a joke.

muNm said...

afundek wongahbeng kerana dier iklan spca. ini menunjukkan dier cinta akan alam sekeliling.

BigData@Bluesify said...

Afundek WongAhBeng sebab kereta dia power wooo......ada bukti keta dia power...

Vlad said...

I would like to AFUNDEK MIV too.

Because of the word he said, "And thank you, for the toffee votes, I eat."

Now I think we are all hoping for pussy votes.

Anonymous said...

Afundek WAB kerana dia cuba menyemarakkan lagi Blogworld yang semakin hari semakin suram oleh kerana blogworld sekarang dipantau oleh Ahli Jemaah Menteri, agen2 mereka, penulis penulis teks ucapan ahli politik dan badan badan kerajaan yang sentiasa mencari maklumat semasa, terkini, tepat dan jitu dari sumber internet. Majulah WAB untuk blogworld!

Anonymous said...

Tidak lupa juga AFUNDEK MIV oleh kerana beliau sering menimbulkan subjek subjek yang hanya boleh difahami oleh beliau dan wanita wanita yang mengidamkan "kemanisan" yang hanya diperolehi dari MIV, bukan dari lelaki sebarangan, hanya khas dari MIV

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK ANISISM sebab pagi-pagi dah petuih kat orang. I petuih back atcha!!!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK Matilda the woman who likes to paste Victoria Secret adverts in her blog. You go Mat!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because thats the bottom line...coz stone cold said so!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because the Rock says it doesn't matter what your name is!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because the Rock says to shove all your votes up your candy ass!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she's the best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because the Hulkster will leg drop all her opposition out of the ring, brother!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because the rest of you ARE FIRED!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because you can ensure that someone who deserved to win..wins.

unlike me, i hv no idea how i won. i can't really sing, and when i do ,my body goes into spasm like i have down-syndrome or sumthing. dilana or toby shud've won it actually.

to top it all off, i dissed my other rocker buddies earlier in the season and told them they sucked.

don't farking buy my album, man.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK Angel Eyes because her hair is real

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because you're either with us or against us.

Anonymous said...

hey lucas why yo talkin shit like 'at, man? Tommy's gonna be pissed. Gimme back my velvet coat

AFUNDEK Angel Eyes cos girl got style

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab she is the craziest girl you'll ever see around. Ever. Dever.

Anonymous said...

Afundek Tipsy Kitten because she loves tequila

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because they have to control their midfield and play 1-8-1 to stop the other side's forwards from getting into their penalty box.

yes john, i think she can win this match.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because The Kop is coming and they want her. Ra! Go 9! Go whoever else it is! Raa!

Anonymous said...

Afundek Tipsy Kitten because she ho can write, cha'll.

Anonymous said...


Oh mana bidadari
Yang turun dari kayangan
Indahnya yang tak berbandingan
Terasa bagai disentuh bayanganmu

Sesungguhnya kamu
Terang bagaikan cahaya
Yang menyinari hidupku
Dikala ku kelam.. kelam

Terciptalah aku
Tuk kali pertama
Dan akanku buktikan
Kesungguhan dari hati ini
Hati ini..

Umpama bidadari
Kau selalu menenangkan aku
Biar kadangku terkeliru
Izinkan aku menyentuh bayanganmu

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because, as you all know, she has to be voted.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because yes Shebi, although I think you're crap but she looks to win this one. Looks vibrant up front, and flies down the flanks well.

She's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she selalu siram the bunga dekat my grave. So kind.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she doesn't look like Chewbacca.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab she moves like a bee and stings like a butterfly!


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she can groovy with me any time she ends up in Madrid.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she tidak botak.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because I am voting berdasarkan kehebatannya semata-mata, dan bukan di atas dasar kecunan rupa paras airnya yang semakin meningkat dari tahun demi tahun baru cina bukan bumiputera status quo.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she likes Anaconda.

That means she like me one la!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because her handbag semua cun giler. She'll never walk alone.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because I love her

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she doesn't know it yet:)

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she already won but the voting was extended:P

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she was sad today.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she was sad last night as well.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she deserves to be happy

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because her hair looks good made up in chopsticks.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she likes RED! Go Reds!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK ANISISM sebab abg aiman saya xkisah aper dier panggil kitaorg

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK ANISISM sebab xsuka pd cik anis... kejiii

Anonymous said...

Aiman tak kesah nak cakap apa tapi Aiman takda abang, takda adik. Aiman ada kawan aje. Kawan Aiman kurus, dia ada HIV. TapiAiman tak kesah

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes sebab Aiman tak kesah

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes sebab Aiman punya kawan tak kesah

Mme RoSsé said...


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab di ya lah yang terchics!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she pandai masak pasta. And although I'm British, I love pasta.

Therefore I love chics.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she main bola sangat hebat.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM becos he's not going to our gig tonight! he's a total loooser!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU she is quite the coolest


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU because her blog quite interesting and cheerful.

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because his blog also ok lah but a bit crazy.

thesyemism said...

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM sebab die datang rumah aku bacakan bedtime story yang boring kat anak aku sampai tak tertido edlan

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM sebab patik rasa chic ngan superdzu tengah mass comment dirinye sendiri waktu ni...sudah la wey..tobat la..cukup la tu

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU because she is so damn comel!

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because he is so baik hati

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab dia tak suka marah dengan kucing comel.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she and red go together sangatlah baik.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she is the paling terrer. Not terrier. Terrer.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab walaupin saya adalah pemain Liverpool terfavourite Siti Nurhaliza, chics ialah I punya faverit.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because we all like the way she mooves and moos.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS sebab kalau tak, nanti kena jual.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU because one plus one is two

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because esok hari sabtu

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kerana tiada calon lain yang patut diundekkan.

Anonymous said...

afundek wab sebab dia macam sexy

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because that is what we say.

We don't eat things from clay.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she eats faster than you.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because hujan sangatlah lebat di waktu sekarang.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she's been feeling a bit under the weather lately.

Anonymous said...

Afundek Angel Eyes sebab Aiman tak kesah

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU because she loves jack black

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because he is secretly a wrestler.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she played in the Srikandi futsal competition with the other ex-STF hotties.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU because she wears glasses and drink from glasses too

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because his blog is so the boring one.

ifzan ibrahim said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU because she is a busy body

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because he is a busy body

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS because she can do the spin-a-roonie better than me.


Anonymous said...

queen elizabeth:
wei, wa tak tahu pasal superdzu la tp kalau lu nengok siapa yg undi chics tu kan beb, semua liverpool playaz dgn wrestler. pastuh ayat dia pakai pon bukan style chics. so, lu pikir la beb, mesti org lain yg undi dia kan.

lu kalau tak puas hati, jom race kt trek.

p/s: AFUNDEK CHICS sebab dia kalau masuk race kan, mesti bleh menang punyer, beb.

Fiza said...

AFUNDEK CHICS kerana semua pemain liverpool, pro wrestler, dan termasuk pundit tersayang, shebby telah mengundinya.

anda bagaimana? :p

Zetty said...

AFUNDEK LeenAshBurn. That woman really farny la. And she's so cute. And very adorable. And very farny.

leen dah berak?


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics sebab walaupun LFC sudah berniat berhenti memberi support, tetapi telah didesak oleh our very own Queen E.

Jangan Marah.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because just like her bunnies, she can do the nutmeg on anyone, anytime.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because chics-in-red...


Eh, how to put music in here ah? Want to make sound sound like Liverpool chant.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because we're not done yet! Come on you Reds!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK SUPERDZU because she is the queen b.

AFUNDEK SKULLKINGDOM because he is the king dom.

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she brings you down into the ring of fire!

Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because when she kicks, she kicks harder than I do.


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because she kerushes all weaklings below her heel.

Her Prada Heels haha!


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK chics because blue, blue the world is blue.

But Chics is RED.


Anonymous said...

AFUNDEK CHICS sebab Kak Chics sangatlah comel dan menawan.

Boleh dating tak?

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