"Lomo = cheap eccentrically designed Russian camera whose lens has won it many fans, for the wrong reasons. Pix taken with it are easily distinguishable with their high contrast, distortions, edge blur and shadowing. All of which combined to produce pixs that, at their best have a cult following"
Hello. I'm Superwab.
Ekcelli I no mood to blog (bekos my
transformer not yet transform).
So I stalk other people's blog.
And aside from replying hatemails,
I oso shit here and there in other people's blog.
One of my fav blog is
Lomo camela is kool.
Superdzu got a lomo camela.
Therefore superdzu is kool too.
Today aah, motivated by Superdzu's kool photoblog on pictures of spasticism, I oso want to paste my pictures making furny-furny faces.
These pictures i took using my motolola razr v3i:
"Ahh get awayyyy fromm mee!" "Mee-owwch..." "Ok..ok..I'll ko-operate.." "Helo, I'm spastik" "My bebek face" "The ahbeng expession"
"Ngeahh ngeahh ngeahh.."
"Talk to the handd..." This one i took using my Nikon slr:
(Noticed I manually make the edges of the photos darker for that lowmowglaphy effect)
Now aah, you people oso can make your own lomo pictures. I can teach you how to lomo your pictures without a lomo camera (refer to the tips and tlick at the end of this article). All you need is a camela, and a pirated photoshop. Ohh by the way you might want to read my tips on
choosing the right camela (for ladies)
OK people...Go lomolize your picturessss and show Superdzuuhh that you can lomo without a lomooooow!!!
Me good long time ago :P
Sekian, telima kasey..
==========================Photoshop Tips and Tlicks On How to Lomo you Spastic Pictures:1.File: Open: the picture you want
2.Image: Adjustments: Brightness/Contrast: increase contrast by 20
3.Image: Adjustments: Hue/Saturation: increase saturation by 20
4.Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool (your basic selection tool)
5.Change feather amount to 1/12 the width of your picture (if your picture is 600px wide then you will set your feather to 50px)
6.Select your entire picture (using select: all, will not work)
7.Select: Inverse
8.Layer: New: Layer
9.Change your primary color to black. Fill the selection (on the new, blank layer).
10.Change the blend mode of this layer to Overlay
11.Layer: Duplicate Layer
12.Now select your base layer (the one with the picture on it).
13.Layer: New: Layer
14.Change your fill tool to Gradient
15.Change your Gradient Type to Spherical
16.Change your Gradient Shading Style to "foreground to transparent" (I believe this is the default).
17.Change your primary color to white.
18.With the fill tool selected, click in the middle of the picture, and drag the line out to the farthest edge of your picture (if it's a portrait, use top or bottom, if landscape, use left or right).
19.Change the blend mode of this layer to Overlay
20.Change the Opacity of this layer to 80% (or whatever you see fit)
21. Done! Post it up your blog..
Tips grabbed somewhere from flickr.com
My own stash of photos is here.