Pay Your Homage...Now Feed Me!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Selamat mensambut...

Tikus2 keji sekalian...

Selamat mesambut happy deepavali kepada hindu.
Selamat hali laya aidilfitli kepada muslim.

Sempena musim pelayaan ini,
wa ingin mengambil kesempatan
untuk memaafkan lu olang.

Sekian telima kasey..

p/s: Keleta wa sudah transform ke bentuk asal.. Woohoo!!! (read what hepenned here)

p/s2: Ohh.. More lomo pics :-

(tips on how to lomo here)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Low Mow Gawfer

"Lomo = cheap eccentrically designed Russian camera whose lens has won it many fans, for the wrong reasons. Pix taken with it are easily distinguishable with their high contrast, distortions, edge blur and shadowing. All of which combined to produce pixs that, at their best have a cult following"

Hello. I'm Superwab.
Ekcelli I no mood to blog (bekos my transformer not yet transform).
So I stalk other people's blog.
And aside from replying hatemails,
I oso shit here and there in other people's blog.

One of my fav blog is superdzu.
Lomo camela is kool.
Superdzu got a lomo camela.
Therefore superdzu is kool too.

Today aah, motivated by Superdzu's kool photoblog on pictures of spasticism, I oso want to paste my pictures making furny-furny faces.

These pictures i took using my motolola razr v3i:

"Ahh get awayyyy fromm mee!"


"Ok..ok..I'll ko-operate.."

"Helo, I'm spastik"

"My bebek face"

"The ahbeng expession"

"Ngeahh ngeahh ngeahh.."

"Talk to the handd..."

This one i took using my Nikon slr:

(Noticed I manually make the edges of the photos darker for that lowmowglaphy effect)

Now aah, you people oso can make your own lomo pictures. I can teach you how to lomo your pictures without a lomo camera (refer to the tips and tlick at the end of this article). All you need is a camela, and a pirated photoshop. Ohh by the way you might want to read my tips on choosing the right camela (for ladies)

OK people...Go lomolize your picturessss and show Superdzuuhh that you can lomo without a lomooooow!!!

Me good long time ago :P
Sekian, telima kasey..

Photoshop Tips and Tlicks On How to Lomo you Spastic Pictures:

1.File: Open: the picture you want

2.Image: Adjustments: Brightness/Contrast: increase contrast by 20

3.Image: Adjustments: Hue/Saturation: increase saturation by 20

4.Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool (your basic selection tool)

5.Change feather amount to 1/12 the width of your picture (if your picture is 600px wide then you will set your feather to 50px)

6.Select your entire picture (using select: all, will not work)

7.Select: Inverse

8.Layer: New: Layer

9.Change your primary color to black. Fill the selection (on the new, blank layer).

10.Change the blend mode of this layer to Overlay

11.Layer: Duplicate Layer

12.Now select your base layer (the one with the picture on it).

13.Layer: New: Layer

14.Change your fill tool to Gradient

15.Change your Gradient Type to Spherical

16.Change your Gradient Shading Style to "foreground to transparent" (I believe this is the default).

17.Change your primary color to white.

18.With the fill tool selected, click in the middle of the picture, and drag the line out to the farthest edge of your picture (if it's a portrait, use top or bottom, if landscape, use left or right).

19.Change the blend mode of this layer to Overlay

20.Change the Opacity of this layer to 80% (or whatever you see fit)

21. Done! Post it up your blog..

Tips grabbed somewhere from
My own stash of photos is here.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

OMG!! My car is Transformerr!!!

Hello people..

Dulu sewaktu wa kecil2 aah, wa suka menonton ini satu kartun iaitu Transformers. Ini celita manyiak best mengenai kenderlaan-kendelaan yang boleh beltukar menjadik lobot. Watak2 hero adalah sepelti Optimus Prime dan Bumblebee dari puak Autobots. Watak jahat pulak adalah diketuai oleh Megatron, Soundscream dah manyiak lagi dari puak Decepticons.

Do you know aah, Transformers The Movie will be coming soon next year.I kenot wait wooh... I bet sure it will be the bestest kaw kaw mowie of the year.

Last time I wish my car is also a transformer can change into a lobot. Then must be kool bekos then I can lansi-lansi to other people. And today, I found out that my car is really a Transformer..!! It happened around midnite time. Suddenly in a split second aah, my car transform into an Autobots woohh.. This all happened thanks to this one old Toyota in front of me suddently emergency braking. Sorhai! I was shockedd and at the same time I oso sad and angry bekos after the transformation aah, somehow kenot change back into my oliginal car.

Don't believe me?

Below pictures of my car before the transformation..

And below is pictures of my car after the transformation:

Ekcelli aa, I have been prepping my car for this The Extreme Night exhibition on the 10 & 11 November in Bukit Jalil.. But if my transformer kenot transform from lobot back to my oliginal car, I guess I have to tarik dili from participating in the exhibition worr..

(To other team members, korang kene masuk tanpa aku laaarr kalau bengkel & insurans tak settle within 3 weeks!!)

*And screwww that car in front of me stopping in the middle of the road what for larr?!!*

Monday, October 02, 2006


"Tengahari tadi nampak awak makan maggie. Kantoi tak posa yerr..hihihi *Lariiii!*"

"Your blog nih merendah diri sangat laa.. Saya tau awak nih sebenarnya cantik...*Lariii!!*"

"Laaaa..Itu pun tak tau ke? SPM tak lepas ek?? *Lariiii!*"

"Weyy bila nak update blog? Pemalas laaa ko nih...eheh *Laariiii!*"

Gook eveninnng wahai tikus2 keji sekalian. Pernah kah lu membaca, atau terbaca komen2 seperti di atas (Not hundred percent exact, but more or less lorr. Notis kah lu olang the similarities of those komens?

Ok.. If your head is too dense to understanding what I'm talk about, it is the usage of the word *Lariiii!!!*

Lari? Apakah ini?
Lari???! wtf??!

Sesungguhnya wa tatak paham. Mengapakah lu komen di blog olang, kemudian lu tulis "lariii!" as if lu melarikan dili kelana tersalah cakaps di dalam komen? Tidakkah lu tau bahawa ada satu icon "delete comment" di mana lu boleh meng-delete komen yang lu balu post umpama menalik balik kata2 lu?

Adakah ini satu lagi fenomenon di mana lu cuba menjadi watak yang konon-konon comel dan adorable? Lanjiaooooooo!!!

Lu mungkin berfikiran "Uuhh...Uhhh..!! I think i want to be cute today" maka lu pun bikin perangai sebegitu dengan halapan olang akan anggap lu cute dan comel. Well, sorry to bursting your bubble. But you are not comel that way. In fact, i thinking you sound skoopid too. Ia melambangkan lu adalah seolang yg penakut dan tidak berhati waja.

Even if u are hot babes dan lu pelangai itu maciam, adalah selupa lu meng-spastikkan dili lu sendiri (exception for Miss Tatana Kucharova). Not kool ok.. Non-hot babes are even worst. And guys who do that are gays.. Geli!...Geli!

I advising you to be a man or woman with spine. If you want to say something, then just say it. Tidak perlu *lariiii* di hujung komen. Di sini wa ingin mengajar lu cala-cala yang lebih mantap untuk komen olang lain punya blog seperti berikut:

"Hoii lahanat tak posa ke makan magi??"

"Cara ko blog nih macam tak cun jer. Aku rasa kau memang tak cun laa."

"Ko nih bodow lar. Sekian terima kasih"

"Update laa blog mangkarp!"

Komen2 di atas lebih menampilkan bahawa lu adalah seolang yang berpegangan tinggi, berjiwa kental, dan tidak takut menghadapi apa jua cabalan kelana lu belani kelana benar. In a way, you look cute oso.. See how I plonounce this word boldly and beautifully:-


There.. U dont see me appending the ciken word "Lari!" at the end of it, yes?
Lemember people, strikeouts and appending the word "lari" at the end of your comments are reserved for spastiks only..

*LARIII!!!!* ... Wh0ops!!

Sekian telima kasey.

Kiss my asss!!